This image is a logo. It has 4 over lapping triangles, which are pink, blue, yellow and green. It has text at the bottom which says Forward ever

Our mission at Forward Ever Inclusive Education CIC is to transform futures. Over the past four years, we’ve expanded, evolved, and deepened our commitment to the young people and communities we serve. Today, we are thrilled to unveil our new website and refreshed brand identity—designed to embody our mission, values, and vision for a more inclusive future.

Our CEO captured this journey perfectly when he shared:

“The concept for Forward Ever Inclusive Education CIC was born four years ago. It stemmed from my realisation that the current education system was and still falls short of its offer to Children & Young People in the UK. Reflecting on my experiences working in Schools, Pupil Referral Units, Youth Offending Services, and HMYOIs, it was clear that there was a line connecting decisions made in schools to young people being placed in the Secure Estate. I wanted to do more than just provide an alternative option for Children & Young People falling through the gaps within education. I wanted to challenge Education in its current form and demonstrate that there is a need for a more inclusive approach—one that benefits all Children & Young People.”

Why We Rebranded


As we’ve expanded, our scope of work has broadened significantly. Initially focused on supporting young individuals facing multiple adversities with limited protective factors, we quickly realised there was critical work to be done beyond school walls. We needed to address the broader contexts influencing a young person’s life—families, neighbourhoods, and communities.

This realisation led us to rethink how we present ourselves to the world. Our new brand represents this wider focus, our core belief that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of the barriers they encounter.

Expanding Our Reach: Supporting Vulnerable Populations and Marginalised Communities


While our work began with a focus on young people, we’ve recognised the importance of addressing the wider environments that shape their lives over time. Our mission has naturally evolved to include support for vulnerable populations and marginalised communities. These communities—often underserved and overlooked—face similar challenges to those faced by the young people we work with.

We understand that these challenges often stem from broader societal issues, including economic hardship, social exclusion, and systemic inequalities. By engaging with a wider range of communities, we will work towards a future where everyone can thrive, regardless of their circumstances. This deeper, more inclusive focus allows us to create a lasting change for future generations. Our rebranding reflects this broader mission, and we remain committed to transforming not only the lives of young people but also the wider communities that shape their futures.

What’s New?


Our new website offers a fresh, engaging look at who we are, what we do, and how we plan to keep transforming futures:

  • A Broader Mission: While our heart will always be with young people who face the greatest challenges, our mission has expanded to include vulnerable groups and marginalised communities. We now focus not only on the individuals at risk but also the broader societal systems that influence their opportunities and outcomes.
  • An Inclusive Vision: We are committed to creating an inclusive and equitable future where everyone has the chance to thrive by addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and marginalised communities alongside young people. We strive for an education system and society that works for all.
  • User-Friendly Experience: Our revamped website is designed to make it easier for you to learn about our initiatives, get involved, and understand how you can help us create change.

Looking Ahead


This rebranding marks an exciting new chapter for Forward Ever Inclusive Education CIC. But our core mission remains the same—to challenge the status quo in education and to provide a real, inclusive alternative for young people at risk of being marginalised.

As we continue to grow, we invite you to explore our new website, engage with our content, and join us on our journey. Together, we can transform futures and build a more inclusive society for all.

Thank you for being part of our story. The future starts here!